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It's your mind that creates the world

The world is busy, and loud. There are so many thoughts going through your mind at one time.  It can be a challenge focusing on your dreams, and goals. Meditation allows you to Quiet your mind, eliminating resistant worry, fear, anxiety, and anger aligning you to your highest vibration.  There are many benefits of a quieted mind. One,  is that It reprograms your mind from negative beliefs you were taught growing up.  Another,  is that it trains you to control your emotions.  And since your attraction is based on how you feel, 'knee jerk' reactions only hinder the outcome of your manifestations.

t isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. 

     Learning to meditate is like learning any other skill. Think of it like  exercising a muscle that you’ve never really worked out before. It takes consistent practice to get comfortable. For some, it is easier if you have a teacher, or guide.

Choosing between guided and unguided meditation is often the first step in starting a meditation practice. In guided meditation, a teacher guides you through the basic steps of the practice in real time...either in person, online or with the use of cd's.   This type of meditation is particularly useful for beginners because the teacher is experienced and trusted, and their guidance can be key to helping those who are new to the practice get the most out of the experience. Most guided meditations follow a similar format: the teacher explains how the mind behaves during meditation, leads you through a particular meditation technique, and then suggests how to integrate this technique into your everyday life..

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It's ALL about Quieting your mind

How many times have you gone to bed only to relive your day in your head or make a mental to-do list for tomorrow? Or maybe you’ve carved out a few minutes to relax and been hijacked by a barrage of thoughts or worries? 

With technology, economic pressures, work, and family, it’s impossible to be on top of everything and it’s upsetting our natural balance.

This overload and overwhelm often lead to anxiety, fear, and depression, and while you can’t check out of life and avoid responsibility, you can approach things in a gentler way.  Meditation is one of the quickest tools for finding inner peace and quiet.

How to Quiet Your Mind

  • Breathe- 

Use your breathing to find stillness, be more careful and conscious about it. Pay attention to the rhythm. If you take short, quick breaths, try to move toward slower, deeper ones. Listen to your breathing and observe it...dont try to manipulate it. 

  • Go Outdoors-

Nature often makes people think more clearly and feel more relaxed and refreshed. Spending time outside can also bring down your heart rate, blood pressure, stress hormones, and even muscle tension.  Be aware of the sounds of birds chirping, insects buzzing, and leaves rustling. Giving attention to only these takes the focus off of your thoughts. 

  • Muscle Relaxation-

Focus on body parts one at a time -- feet, leg, mouth, eyes, head -- Notice how they feel and imagine them soothed, and relaxed. 

  • Imagery-

Think of a favorite spot, real or imagined, that makes you calm and happy: a waterfall, the beach, laying under the stars.  You can also envision steady moving patterns, such as a lava lamp.

  • non resistant sounds-

There are sounds that contain no resistance to you, meaning you have no particular negative feelings associated with it.  Examples of these would be smoke alarms, an air conditioner, or fan running and running water.  You can also find an even tone, and hum it silently in your head.  

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